Why is it so hard to learn English?

Sat Dec 10, 2022

Why is it so hard to learn English?

Because it is such a weird and messy language.

  • English grammar rules have so many exceptions and irregularities.
  • Words have so many synonyms. (big, large, enormous, humongous, huge, monstrous, vast, gigantic, massive...)
  • Each synonym has its own level of formality and connotation.
  • Prepositions do not have a distinct meaning.
  • There are right and wrong word partnerships. (fast car = correct. quick car = wrong)
  • We do not pronounce the way we spell. (ex: tongue, though, tough)
  • Each country and generation has its own slang.
  • Idioms and phrasal verbs do not follow the literal meaning of the words.(ex: throw up, figure out).
  • Comprehension often requires a knowledge of pop culture.
  • Accents are drastically different.

And so much more... but you get the point.

Most people who grow up speaking English can't even explain their own grammar. Yet, because it is so crazy and confusing, it's so much fun to learn.

Smartys English Academy